Introducing Growens WoW
Growens WoW sets the ground rules for the future of our Group: our designated way of working will be inherently hybrid and flexible for all.
30 Nov 2021
Growens WoW sets the ground rules for the future of our Group: our designated way of working will be inherently hybrid and flexible for all.
30 Nov 2021
The Growens Voices series takes us today inside the Product & Technology department at MailUp, to meet Product Manager Alessandra Sessa.
25 Nov 2021
On November 11, 2021, the Growens top management gathered online to discuss the quarterly and 9-months results with investors and analysts.
20 Nov 2021
For the second consecutive year, Growens is included in the ranking of “Growth Leaders 2022”, compiled by Il Sole 24 Ore and Statista.
19 Nov 2021